Monday, February 11, 2008


I dislike McCain as much as the next conservative, and I've been seriously considering voting for the Democrat candidate for president. On the other hand, I don't think we conservatives should commit to vote against McCain just yet. Instead conservatives should create a short, reasonable list of our most important conservative demands. If McCain promises to meet those demands then conservatives should back him wholeheartedly. If he refuses, then McCain has indicated he will continue to put his thumb in the eye of conservatives, we should refuse to vote for him, or we may even vote for the Democratic candidate.

Here is my list.

1. Promise to veto any immigration bill that is not enforcement only. Promise to wait a least two years after an enforcement-only bill is passed before signing any sort of amnesty bill.
2. Choose Romney or Thompson as his VP. (Huckabee is a deal-killer).
3. Apologize for smearing Romney (this is more of a personal thing.)
4. Apologize for criticizing Alito.
5. Name 3 to 5 candidates for the Supreme Court and make a promise to choose from that pool of candidates if there is a vacancy. (Putting Michael McConnell at the top of that list would go a long way).
6. Promise to keep Gitmo open.
7. Stop insulting capitalism.

You could rearrange the list some, but these are the things that come to my mind. Of course, 1, 2 and 5 are the most important.

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