Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our higher education system fails leftist students. | The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy

Our higher education system fails leftist students. | The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy: "Suppose I claim that rent control is a primary reason why there is such a shortage of affordable housing in New York and San Francisco. Here are the responses I have gotten from students:

 1.  Micro-aggression!

 2.  Check your privilege! (If they had a mic, they'd drop it, because this is supposed to be so devastating).

 3.  You must take money from the Koch Foundation.

 4.  Economists don't understand the real world.

 5.  Prices don't measure values. Values are about people. You don't care about people. 

 Not one of those responses actually responds to, or even tries to understand, the argument that rent controls harm the populations that politicians claim they want to help.   

The point is that if you cared about poor people, actually cared about consequences for poor people, you would oppose rent controls. But that's not how the logic of the left works. Instead of caring about the poor, they want to be seen as caring about the poor."

'via Blog this'

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