Sunday, February 6, 2011

Transcript of Elder Dallin H. Oaks' Speech Given at Chapman University School of Law - LDS Newsroom

I guess I should have read further. He's not even hiding the ball:

Transcript of Elder Dallin H. Oaks' Speech Given at Chapman University School of Law - LDS Newsroom: "It was apparent twenty-five years ago, and it is undeniable today, that the significance of religious freedom is diminishing. Five years after I gave my DePaul lecture, the United States Supreme Court issued its most important free exercise decision in many years In Employment Division v. Smith,21 the Court significantly narrowed the traditional protection of religion by holding that the guarantee of free exercise did not prevent government from interfering with religious activities when it did so by neutral, generally applicable laws. This ruling removed religious activities from their sanctuary—the preferred position the First Amendment had given them."

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