Friday, June 15, 2012

CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Gordon Hinckley: Distinguished Religious Leader of the Mormons

CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Gordon Hinckley: Distinguished Religious Leader of the Mormons: "Gordon B. Hinckley: Your question is well phrased, well taken. A lot of people feel just as you feel, I just get back to the fact that I would appreciate in our public leaders more of valuing personal probity. If you don't establish values at the top and live by those values, you seriously jeopardize behavior down below in the ranks.

Larry King: But when you say, as this woman is saying, he's doing a good job -- she's a Christian. You're of the Christian faith -- you don't call yourselves Christian, right.

Gordon B. Hinckley: Of course we do.

Larry King: You are Christian. OK. You're of the faith.

Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes."

'via Blog this'

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