Saturday, June 9, 2012

Defining Anti-Mormon

What I decided to write in my comment:

"I think Mormonism is a "non-Christian religion" but I don't see that as somehow being anti-Mormon."

Actually, it is completely anti-Mormon.

A "Christian" religion is a faith that asserts Christ atoned for our sins. This belief, of course, is a central tenant of the doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Calling Mormons non-Christians is a game that anti-Mormons like to play, I think, to mislead the uninitiated about LDS doctrine. First they identify some difference between Mormon doctrine and other Christian faiths' doctrine that they think is out of the mainstream. Then they define being "Christian" as turning on that difference and declare that Mormons are non-Christians. The effect (if not the intent) is to giving people the impression that Mormons do not believe in Christ or his atonement.

Other than misleading people about Mormon doctrine (which is obviously anti-Mormon), the only other reason anti-Mormons can possible care so much about labeling Mormons non-Christian is that they want to make sure people understand loud and clear, that Mormons are not part of the group! Any effort by other Christians this sustained to disassociate from Mormons is, by definition, anti-Mormon.


Brett said...

Well put.

Ryan said...

Thanks! I kind of wondered what the responses were, but I couldn't bear to go back and read them.