Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Faithful Young Family: The Parents, Brothers and Sisters of Brigham - Ensign Aug. 1980 - ensign

The Faithful Young Family: The Parents, Brothers and Sisters of Brigham - Ensign Aug. 1980 - ensign: "It was perhaps the youngest son, Lorenzo, who saw earliest that he and members of his immediate family would play a significant part in the unfolding drama of God’s latter-day kingdom. In 1816, barely nine years old, he had a startlingly prophetic dream:“I thought I stood in an open space or ground and saw a good, well defined road leading, at an angle of forty-five degrees, into the air as far as I could see. I heard a noise similar to that of a carriage in rapid motion, at what seemed the upper end of the road. In a moment it came into sight, drawn by a pair of beautiful white horses. The carriage and harness appeared brilliant with gold, and the horses traveled with the speed of the wind. It was manifested to me that the Savior was in the carriage, and that it was driven by his servant. It stopped near me and the Savior inquired ‘Where is your brother Brigham?’ After answering his question he inquired about my other brothers, and concerning my father. His queries being answered satisfactorily, he stated that he wanted us all, but especially my brother Brigham. The team then [turned] about and returned the way it came. … Subsequent events proved that it foreshadowed our future. It was evidently fulfilled when my father and all of his family entered into the new and everlasting Covenant.”"

'via Blog this'

Turns out that Lorenzo Young is my great, great, great, great grandfather. Who knew?

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