Monday, May 13, 2013

The Corner | National Review Online

The Corner | National Review Online: "As Andrew’s post explains, President Obama is the latest Democrat to whine that the Benghazi scandal is “political.” I’m wondering exactly how, without politics, you get political accountability – which Democrats are quite fond of when terrible things happen while Republicans are in power. The president went on to complain that we “dishonor” the Americans officials who were killed by “extremists” (i.e., jihadists) “when we turn things like this into a political circus.” Well no, we dishonor them when we fail to get a full accounting of the events and decisions that resulted in their killing — things like exactly what the president was doing, minute by minute, during the many hours that Americans in Benghazi were under siege, and what actions — if any — he took to come to their rescue. "

'via Blog this'

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